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Space & productivity improvement

The business

Our customer is among the largest manufacturers and distributors of chemicals and related products in the world. The highly diversified company has facilities all over the world. It is recognized for the quality of its products, its research and development as well as its concern for the environment.

Challenge to overcome

Following significant growth in its operations and inventory and in order to improve the level of service to its customers, the company has decided to review its order preparation operations located in the suburbs of Toronto to its customers in across Canada.

The role of GCL in the realization of this project

Assessment of order preparation operations (2 months):

  • Perform a diagnostic of logistics performance (organization, operational processes, information technology, performance, quality and customer service);
  • Develop short-term recommendations (quick wins);
  • Carry out an intensive projection exercise in terms of sales, product lines, order profile, inventory rotation, establishment of design criteria, research and qualification of applicable technologies;
  • Develop scenarios for optimizing productivity, use of space and increased control of inventories;
  • Conduct an economic analysis of the options developed and presentation to the company's management committee.

Coordination and implementation of recommendations (3 months):

  • Develop specifications for the acquisition of equipment, the selection of suppliers;
  • The development of an implementation plan, the supervision of the installation of new equipment and finally a complete post-implementation audit.
  • Establishment of a continuous improvement team to oversee the implementation of recommendations;
  • Coaching of teams and discussion of specifics;
  • Monitoring of performance indicators and feedback if required;
The results
  • The establishment of a continuous improvement committee;
  • Productivity improvement of around 10%;
  • 15% capacity increase;
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4200 Saint-Laurent BLVD
Suite 900, Montreal, QC H2W 2R2
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