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Ecommerce logistics training development


Antoine Grand'Maison

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Mireille Robitaille

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The business

Our client is a provincial organization specializing in helping manufacturing and distribution companies in the suburbs of Montreal, Canada. This organization specifically helps companies with their organizational development, operational efficiency, the implementation of technological solutions and the management of their growth. It manages a government aid budget of more than $ 250 million, supports more than 1,200 businesses and has more than 900 partners.

Challenge to overcome

As part of the significant rise in online commerce, this organization must develop a series of training courses on Ecom logistics best practices currently in place and must offer them to its customers while ensuring the follow-up of the implementation. of these practices with its customers.

The role of GCL in the realization of this project

Development of ECOM Logistics training course (2 months):

  • Establish the table of contents and training content;
  • Define the medium (paper and electronic);
  • Gather industry best practice training materials;
  • Organize the content and support it with case studies (previous case study carried out by GCL);
  • Finalize the training and validation course with the client's management team;


Coordination of the implementation of best practices (6 months):

  • Support the various customers requesting support with the accounts presented in the training course;
  • Coordination of familiarization visits with the concepts to be presented;
  • Conduct gap analyzes and transition plan;
  • Support in questions, searches for suppliers and other points;
  • Performance report and observation of improvements;
The results
  • The establishment of a new training course in the library;
  • Improvement of the Ecom Logistics performance of customers seeking help;
  • Better performance of the aid program.
Similar case studies
4200 Saint-Laurent BLVD
Suite 900, Montreal, QC H2W 2R2
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